회사 소개

대한민국 1등 결제 플랫폼, BC카드


Drinking at a sidewalk shop in Vietnam can also be paid with QR

2022. 08. 02

Currently, not only large cafes and restaurants accept digital payments, but also iced tea shops and sidewalk sandwich shops have accepted payments by scanning QR codes.

Uncle Nghiem's shop (owner of "Tra 36" shop) sells 400-500 cups of iced tea every day. Aside from preparing tea and cleaning cups, it has become a habit to prepare change for returning customers; this has been the same for many years. However, he decided to digitize his small tea shop a few months ago by preparing QR Code E-Wallet payments.

Many small store owners decide to upgrade payment for customers because it is fast, convenient, and safe, so the number of popular sidewalk merchants with QR payment in Hanoi today is close to 50,000.

Source: https://vtv.vn